Boost academic performance and industry-readiness
Help students excel in the new normal
Students work long hours, battle hyper-competition, are forced to do more with less, and are pressed to compete in a demanding job market. So, how do you help your students deal with this ‘new normal’?
That’s where the mind-n comes in. It is built to help students thrive under high-pressure academic environments and become ready to take on the world post-college.
Stats for Education
- 49% of college students screen positive for anxiety or depression.
Source: Healthy Minds Network, Healthy Minds Study 2022–2023 Data Report.
- 80% of students reported that mental health issues affected their academic performance for one to six or more days in the past four weeks.
Source: Healthy Minds Network, Healthy Minds Study 2022–2023 Data Report.
- 78% of college students reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress
Source: Healthy Minds Network, Healthy Minds Study 2022–2023 Data Report.
- 70% of college students reported getting less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep
-Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Studies show that around 50% of college students procrastinate in a consistent and chronic manner, 75% consider themselves to be procrastinators
Source: Steel, P. (2007). The nature of procrastination: A meta-analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regulatory failure. Psychological Bulletin, 133(1), 65–94.The Creativity Crisis is a growing challenge in the education sector today, with a steady decline in student creativity since the 1990s.
Powering the productivity of these enterprises
Lorem ipsum is a dolor sitae amet consctet of and the voluptata laboriosam and then null on the ofen delenitie reiciendis as voliuptibu and the laboriosam on and nulla ideleniti and many lore other important quotes.
Darin Nguyen
Lorem ipsum is a dolor sitae amet consctet of and the voluptata laboriosam and then null on the ofen delenitie reiciendis as voliuptibu and the laboriosam on and nulla ideleniti and many lore other important quotes.
Darin Nyugen
Lorem ipsum is a dolor sitae amet consctet of and the voluptata laboriosam and then null on the ofen delenitie reiciendis as voliuptibu and the laboriosam on and nulla ideleniti and many lore other important quotes.
Darin Nyugen

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